• sugih ayu pratitis universitas harapan medan
  • Zuhriati Khalid Universitas Harapan Medan
Keywords: Mangrove forest, benefits, community participation, law


In essence, mangrove forests are woody plants that live on the coastline which have a function to maintain biological ecosystems in order to be balanced and can maintain the continuity of human life and the lives of other living creatures. Earth as a place for humans to do activities, requires a good environment to survive. Maintaining a good and healthy environment is the dream of every human being because a maintained environment can provide a comfortable atmosphere for human survival. Mangrove ecosystems (mangroves) are ecosystems located in coastal areas which are affected by the tides of sea water so that the floors are always flooded. Mangrove ecosystems are between the highest rising tide levels to levels around or above mean sea level in protected coastal areas, and support a variety of ecosystem services along coastlines in tropical regions

The research method used in the preparation of this study is a qualitative method. A good research always pays attention to the suitability of the techniques used with general lines of thought and theoretical ideas. The word qualitative methods' can be defined as techniques or theoretical ideas and procedures. In the context of qualitative research, mutually supposing one another. For example, in future descriptions it will be explained that the purpose of using qualitative methods is to seek a deep understanding of a phenomenon, fact or reality. Facts, reality, problems, symptoms and events can only be understood if the researcher investigates them in a deep way and is not limited to the surface view.

Mangroves also have many benefits for the stability of the estuary ecosystem. Especially for coastal communities. Some of the benefits of mangrove forests: protect the coast from erosion and abrasion caused by river water and sea water, protect people's homes from storms and winds from the sea, prevent sea water intrusion, as a shelter and shelter for wild animals, can produce materials natural resources that have economic value, have educational and tourism potential, mitigate climate change through absorption of CO2 from the air. Apart from these benefits, there are other benefits that are quite important, namely as a stabilizer for river banks and coastal areas and provide growth dynamics in coastal areas. So it is necessary to have participation from the community in order to preserve the mangrove forest in the pumpkin beach area.


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How to Cite
ayu pratitis, sugih, & Khalid, Z. (2020, November 20). PELESTARIAN HUTAN MANGROVE DITINJAU DARI PERSPEKTIF HUKUM DI KAWASAN PANTAI LABU KABUPATEN DELI- SERDANG. Jurnal Perspektif Hukum, 1(2), 9-18.

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