Analisis Perancangan Pompa Dan Impeller Untuk Kebutuhan Air Bersih Di UPT Pengelola Rusunawa Kayu Putih

  • Ari Riswandi Universitas Harapan Medan
  • Din Aswan Amran Ritonga Universitas Harapan Medan
  • Muhammad Fadly Kurniawan Universitas Harapan Medan
Keywords: Clean Water, Pump, Impeller, Pumping Peforma


Clean water is one of the primary needs for human life, the need for clean water in a building is an essential tool that the building management must take into account, and so this is an aspect of what the residents are concerned about. At building A and B in UPT. The management of The wood Rusunawa was drawn to average water capacity of 49 LPM for both buildings. And done a total head figure of 116,27 m based on the length of the pipe and the losses, then can be determined by each of the motor’s power by calculating safety factor 1,15. Pump A and B efficiency value is 35%. It may be concluded that the pump’s efficiency was taken to ensure that its safety factor would be high. So it comes from an impeller counting design is in diameter  0,137 mm) and out diameter (  0,216 mm) 11  ( 62 , ( 25  ( 20 ) ( 33) mm and all sudu (z = 11). With the pumps specs used as input which is the speed of the motor = 2980 (Rpm), The level od sudu = 5 mm, and the level of shaft (S45C) = 58 Kg/ .


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Author Biographies

Din Aswan Amran Ritonga, Universitas Harapan Medan

Fakultas Teknik dan Komputer

Muhammad Fadly Kurniawan, Universitas Harapan Medan

Fakultas Teknik dan Komputer


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How to Cite
A. Riswandi, D. A. A. Ritonga, and M. Fadly Kurniawan, “Analisis Perancangan Pompa Dan Impeller Untuk Kebutuhan Air Bersih Di UPT Pengelola Rusunawa Kayu Putih”, Jurnal Simetri Rekayasa, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 123-131, Apr. 2021.

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