Solar cells can be used in various areas with high enough sunlight sources. The solar power plant (PLTS) provides voltage for the solar charge controller to charge the battery voltage for the inverter input. At this time to make the house can be monitored remotely to turn on and off electrical loads and security in the house due to fire, one of which comes from leaking gas. The solar power plant (PLTS) built for smarthomes and PLC control provides a voltage of 13V to 22V for the solar charge controller to charge the battery voltage up to 12V DC for the inverter input to 220V AC. The IoT concept is a concept that is currently being developed. Almost everyone needs the internet, and by using the internet, to find out the parameters to be measured, the ZMPT101B voltage sensor and the SCT013 sensor are used to measure the current for PV mini-grid monitoring using the blynk application on smartphones wherever we are as long as we are connected to the internet network, and then to process data used Nodemcu. In monitoring the lights at home, which usually uses a switch, it is no longer needed so it uses a PIR (Passive Infra Red) sensor and can also be used in the Blynk application to turn the lights on and off automatically. Not only always preparing a fire extinguisher, the house will also be installed with a gas sensor M1-6 to detect gas cylinder leaks and an IR Flame Detector KY-026 Fire Sensor to detect a fire, which will increase the level of security in the house which can be monitored from the blynk application. Which usually also uses a key on the door of the house, will be replaced with a door lock solenoid and an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) sensor to automatically lock and open the door to the house using an access card and the blynk application, and to control the fire sensor and gas sensor. PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) Outseal Nano V.4. This tool has been tested and works as expected.
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