• Trihot Marsada Sigalingging Universitas Harapan Medan
  • Yussa Ananda Universitas Harapan Medan
Keywords: Solar Power Plant, Electric Energy, New Energy


To carry out our daily activities we cannot be separated from electrical energy where electrical energy can make it easier for us to carry out activities, sources of electrical energy can be produced from several sources including hydropower PLTA, PLTU, and other generators. So that the idea and analysis of tolls for making power supplies from PLTS emerged was made in miniature whuch aims to provide power supply for the sterilization room. Previously , to provide power supply for the sterilization room, it had to be from PLN (National Electricity Generator), this is very impractical if it is in a placa that is difficult to access by PLN, for that sunlight is very relevant to use to make power supply for the sterilization room with the PLTS system. This tool also functions to save the national electricity bill. In the design of this tool the main components are 20 WP solar cells which will convert sunlight into electrical energy, 12 volt battery as an energy stire, SCC as acontrol for charging the battery so that it doesn’t overload when the battery is full, the battery is charging is cut off automatically and the current does not return to the solar panel at once dick off/on load. The main load that will be activated by this power is a 12 volt water pump and an arduini uno maximum of 11 volt and a minimum of 6 volts, therefore it needs to be separated from the pump source and given additional components to step down voltage so that the voltage is not more than 11,5 volt this is to avoid damage on arduino uno. With research conducted for 5 days the tool can be active from 08:32-16:39 WIB the weather is sunny with the voltage remains stable, if at night or cloudy the load will fully supply from the battery for about 4 hours, with this tool the sterilization room can be used as intended.


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How to Cite
T. Sigalingging and Y. Ananda, “RANCANG BANGUN ALAT SUPLAI ENERGI RUANGAN STERILISASI MENGGUNAKAN SISTEM TENAGA SURYA”, Jurnal Simetri Rekayasa, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 178-186, Oct. 2021.