Inductor with metal cores has core made of ferromagnetic material wrapped around a conductor material. The ferromagnetic material of the metal core is one of the main factors affecting the inductance performance of the inductor. Inductor metal cores in the market are generally made of iron core (Fe), so it needs to be improved by trying new materials that have not been used in the metal core inductor material. In addition, the temperature of the work environment also affecting the performance of the inductor. So it was tested from several potential materials that could increase the inductance of the inductor. The research method used was the experimental method. Experiment was carried out on three types of materials namely Cast Iron ASTM A48 (C 3.4%, Si 1.8%, Mn 0.5%), Nicrome (Ni 80%, Cr 20%), Monel Alloy 400 (Ni 63% , Cu 31.7%, Fe 2.5%, C 0.3%, Mn 2%, Si 0.5%, S 0.024%). Experimental tests on the material were also carried out on the number of coils inductors 150, 500 and 1,000 and temperature conditions 30-50 oC. The results show the largest inductance obtained in a row from ASTM A48 Cast Iron material, Iron (metal core in general), Nicrome, Monel Alloy 400 and without a metal core in the number of winding 150, 500, 1,000 and at a temperature of 30 oC, 35 oC , 40 oC, 45 oC and 50 oC. The tendency of inductance increases as the number of winding increases and the inductance decreases at higher temperatures.
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