Quality assurance at Universitas Harapan Medan in knowing the level of student satisfaction with the services provided by institutions still uses conventional methods. So it requires high costs and a lot of time wasted. To overcome these problem’s need to be given a solution, one of them by building a system that can facilitate the quality assurance party in knowing the opinions of students. This research was conducted at the Information Systems Study Program at the Faculty of Engineering and Computer, Universitas Harapan Medan, with the aim to build a system that can measure student satisfaction index. The method applied in system development is PIECES. The PIECES method is used to determine the processes currently running, analyze existing problems and find solutions to existing problems related to system development. From the results of tests conducted, the application can run as it should by producing a satisfaction index value (Number of Weighted NRR IKM and its IKM Value), This application can also work quickly in responding to assessments and provide reports in real time.
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