Identification is the process of finding the data owner. Fingerprints are a unique part of each individual. The first step of the identification process is pre-processing like cropping, sharpening, resizing and grayscale. The cropping process to take part of fingerprint on the image. The sharpening process is useful for helping the otsu method in extracting features. Resize is to change image resolution while grayscalse is to change the color image into gray image. Next is the feature extraction process using the otsu method. The otsu method is used to define the threshold when the image binary process. White pixels are a feature of fingerprints. The characteristics of fingerprints are an important part of the fingerprint. Fingerprint characteristics taken with grid process. The grid process is to divide the image into sections. The identification process uses fractal dimension and neural network method. The resemblance of the test image and the training image is measured by the correlation coefficient method. Both methods are able to identify the training image 100%. The image being tested is an image with varying damage. Percentage of ability of fractal dimension method in identifying 85% while Backpropagation method 90%. In this research, how to take on characteristics is very important for the identification process.
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