Vernacular: Linguistics, Literature, Communication and Culture Journal
<p>Vernacular: Linguistics, Literature, Communication and Culture Journal(VLLCCJ) Aims to publish high-quality papers on all aspects of 'Linguistics, Literature, Communication and Culture Journal'. The journal also encourages the submission of useful reports of positive results. This is a quality-controlled, OPEN peer-reviewed, open-access national journal. <br>Every volume of this journal will consist of 2 issues. Every issue will consist of a minimum of 5 papers. Each issue will be a running issue and all officially accepted manuscripts will be immediately published online. This journal will be published every <strong>July </strong>and <strong>January. The state-of-the-art</strong> running issue concept gives authors the benefit of 'Zero Waiting Time' for the officially accepted manuscripts to be published. This journal is a national journal and its scope is not confined by the boundary of any country or region.</p>Universitas Harapan Medanen-USVernacular: Linguistics, Literature, Communication and Culture Journal2798-978XThe Lexical Synonymy Based in CNN Articles: Breaking U.S & World News
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research was intended to describe the types of lexical synonymy in CNN Articles: Breaking US & World News. The study of lexical synonymy is a branch of semantics that focuses on the meaning of words. This research used Alan Cruse’s theory. Lexical synonymy is words with very closely related meanings. There are three types of lexical synonymy namely absolute synonymy, propositional synonymy, and near-synonymy. The design of this research was a qualitative method. The researcher got the source of data from CNN articles. The researcher analyzed lexical synonymy from four articles in CNN. Then, the researcher categorized the types of lexical synonymy. The result of this research shows that in CNN Articles: Breaking US & World News consist of 27 samples of lexical synonymy. The samples are 7 of absolute synonymy, 10 of propositional synonymy, and 10 of near-synonymy.</span><strong> </strong></p>Enzigo Divio TampaniMayasari MayasariMisla Geubrina
2025-02-252025-02-252427127710.35447/vernacular.v2i4.969Dependent Clause and Its Function as Direct Object in The Young Victoria Movie Script
<p>This research analyzes the types of dependent clause and the function of dependent clause as a direct object in complex sentence found in The Young Victoria movie script. This research uses qualitative method to analyze the types of dependent clause by using the theory proposed by Miller (2002) and to analyze the function of dependent clause as a direct object by using the theory proposed by Aarts (2018). The data were clause taken from “The Young Victoria” movie script as source of data. To collect the data, the researchers took from library research. The results show that 75 complex sentence data were found clause, indicating three types of dependent clause. Starting with the least frequently found clause, the complement clause with 8 data, followed by the relative clause with 14 data, and the most frequently found clause, the adverbial clause with 53 data. Meanwhile, the function of dependent clause as a direct object was also found, with 6 data identified in this research.</p>Nadila RivaniMisla Geubrina
2025-02-252025-02-252427828210.35447/vernacular.v2i4.1005Conversational Implicature Used in Warung Kopi Podcast on the Has Creative Youtube Channel
<p>This study aims to identify the types and meaning of conversational implicature used in <em>warung kopi</em> podcast. This research is a descriptive qualitative study which data is obtained from a <em>warung kopi</em> podcast conversation played by Praz Teguh and Mael Lee. This research uses Grice's (1975) theory of implicature to analyze the data. The data collection techniques in this research are observation method and note-taking method by Sudaryanto (2015). Based on the results of the analysis, 30 implied utterances were found in the Club Random podcast episode with Howie Mandel. Of the 30 utterances, 22 utterances are included in the particular implicature, and 8 utterances are included in the generalized conversational implicature. Particularized conversational implicature is more dominant in this study. With context, the meaning conveyed can differ from what is actually said.</p>Azmi Fahrezi Aditama
2025-02-252025-02-252428329110.35447/vernacular.v2i4.1036Utilization of Quizizz Learning Media in Teaching Vocabulary to Intermediate Level Bipa Learners
<p>This article was written with the aim of describing the use of <em>quizizz</em> learning media in teaching vocabulary to intermediate BIPA learners. The method used in the study is a qualitative and descriptive research method with a gamification learning method (Gamification Method). Data were collected through observation, test results, and questionnaires distributed to learners after the learning process. The process of utilizing quizizz learning media consists of three stages, namely the design or preparation stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. Based on the results of the learning evaluation carried out, it was found that the use of <em>quizizz</em> learning media in teaching vocabulary to intermediate BIPA learners was carried out well, which can be seen from the learning outcomes and points obtained during the quiz. This can also be seen from BIPA learners who have mastered vocabulary well and are able to write vocabulary into sentences. Therefore, it can be concluded that <em>quizizz</em> learning media is effective in teaching vocabulary to intermediate BIPA learners.</p>Jamaluddin - NasutionElfriati SiregarEpriadi EpriadiEvi Bunga TumanggorHasanul Amri
2025-02-252025-02-252429229710.35447/vernacular.v2i4.1043The SMA Harapan 1 10th Grade Students in Understanding Recount Text
<p>This research investigates the comprehension of recount texts among 10th grade students class B at SMA Harapan 1 Medan. This research explores the factors influencing the quality of students' understanding and assesses their English performance in this context. This research aims to identify common challenges students face and to propose effective teaching strategies to improve their comprehension of recount texts. This research used the theory of Brown, (2001). Utilizing a case study method, data was collected from 26 from 27 students in 10th grade class b 2023/2024 academic year. This This research using the case-method were the writer come to school and observe using pre-test, post-test and interview methods. The pre-test and post-test measure students' progress in understanding recount texts, while interviews provide deeper insights into their experiences and challenges. The findings highlight issues in factors and the level of students' understanding on recount text. This research offers insights into improving instructional practices and ultimately enhancing students' language proficiency and academic performance. Recommendations include continued use of structured instruction, development of varied learning materials, enhanced teacher support, interactive learning environments, and further research into effective teaching strategies and technology use to improve literacy skills and academic performance.</p>Wan Karmenita JamalLisna Sari Siregar
2025-02-252025-02-252429830510.35447/vernacular.v2i4.1057Humanity Values in La La Land Movie
<p>This study aims to analyze the human values contained in Damien Chazelle's <em>La La Land</em> movie. This movie not only shows a love story, but also depicts the struggle of life, sacrifice, dreams, and internal conflicts that are full of human values. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a content analysis method to identify and understand the human messages presented in the narrative, characters, dialogues, and visualization of the movie. The results of the study show that <em>La La Land</em> presents various human values, such as the struggle to achieve dreams (human aspiration), sacrifice for love and career, courage to face failure, and appreciation for the process and effort. These values are conveyed through the journey of the main characters, Mia and Sebastian, which depicts the dynamics between pursuing personal ambition and maintaining emotional relationships. This study concludes that <em>La La Land</em> is not only a musical movie, but also a medium that is full of human messages that are relevant to real life. These values can provide inspiration and reflection for the audience to understand the importance of balance between dreams and social life.</p>Nurul Fathya HarahapBima Prana Chitra
2025-02-252025-02-252430631510.35447/vernacular.v2i4.1110Audiovisual Bipa Learning: Introducing Traditional Clothing in Sumatera for Elementary Students
<p>Effective Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) instruction for elementary school children can be enhanced through the use of engaging audiovisual media relevant to Indonesian culture. This study presents an audiovisual-based BIPA learning model focused on introducing traditional clothing from provinces in Sumatera. The research employs a qualitative descriptive approach and is designed as a creative teaching concept rather than empirical research. In this approach, upper elementary students (ages 11-12 level A2) are shown audiovisual content featuring traditional clothing, followed by a picture-guessing activity to identify the displayed attire. After that, the students present the philosophical meaning of the traditional clothing. This strategy aims to make it easier for beginning BIPA learners to understand and retain new vocabulary related to Indonesian culture, particularly Sumatera. The use of audiovisual media is expected to increase student interest, while the picture-guessing activity reinforces memory and comprehension of the material. This culture-based learning approach is also anticipated to be engaging and contextual, aligning with the communicative and meaningful language learning needs of young learners.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> BIPA, audivisual media, traditional clothing, Sumatera island, elementary school</p>Widya Arfiyantii Puspa SariDian SyahfitriAgita KarinaSadar M. RajagukgukTuty Susianti Sihombing