Editorial Process

The process of submitting articles until the decision is accepted or rejected

  1. Author submit manuscript to journal;
  2. Editor check whether the article is worthy of being sent to reviewers;
  3. If appropriate, the editor sends the article to 2 reviewers for review;
  4. If you are willing to review, the reviewer will provide a review/examination of the article content, if not willing, the reviewer can immediately reject it;
  5. Reviewers who are willing to review the article, will provide comments on the article and fill out the review form and upload the article that has been checked on the OJS account, and make a decision to accept, revise or reject.;
  6. The editor sends a review article from the reviewer to the author for correction (First Decesion=revision);
  7. Author download & fix the article according to the notes;
  8. Author Upload revised articles to journals;
  9. The editor makes a second decision accept or reject the article for publication, if accepted, an accept notification (LoA) will be sent to the author's email