Open Journal System Universitas Harapan Medan (UnHar) sebagai wadah untuk menghimpun dan mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah dari para Dosen maupun Peneliti yang berasal dari internal Universitas Harapan Medan maupun eksternal. Ini merupakan salah satu wujud andil UnHar dalam peningkatan publikasi karya ilmiah di Indonesia.


  • Journal of Telecommunication and Electrical Scientific

    Journal of Telecommunication and Electrical Scientific is an open-access medium for publishing scientific articles containing research results in the field of electrical engineering and electronics engineering. Journal of Telecommunication and Electrical Scientific aims to provide researchers and scientists with a platform to publish their research papers and disseminate their knowledge on electrical engineering and technology globally. Journal of Telecommunication and Electrical Scientific also wish to offer a free access platform to promote the dissemination of research results on electrical engineering and technology information to more varied and extensive readers. To maintain quality, papers submitted to this journal will be checked for plagiarism and peer-reviewed. This journal is managed by the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Universitas Harapan Medan and is published twice a year in January and July. This journal indexing by Google Scholar, Index Copernicus International and Garuda.
  • JiTEKH

    The Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Harapan (JiTEKH) is an information media that is published regularly twice a year, namely in March and September. The publication of this journal is a means to accommodate scientific articles originating from research results, studies or scientific papers from selected researchers and lecturers in the fields of engineering and computers. Scientific articles sent to the editor must be original and never published elsewhere. Scientific articles in each publication are the responsibility of the author. JiTEKH has an E-ISSN: 2549-6646 and P-ISSN: 2338-5677
  • Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sistem Komputer Terapan (JIKSTRA)

    Merupakan jurnal yang dikelola oleh program studi Teknik informatika dan Sistem Informasi Universitas Harapan Medan (UNHAR), jurnal ini membahas ilmu dibidang Informatika dan sistem informasi, sebagai wadah untuk menuangkan hasil penelitian baik secara konseptual maupun teknis yang berkaitan dengan ilmu informatika. Jikstra terbit dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada April dan Oktober, terbitan pertama pada edisi April 2019. JIkstra dalam proses peer review menggunakan blind peer review.

  • Jurnal Simetri Rekayasa

    Jurnal SIMETRI REKAYASA merupakan publikasi ilmiah berkala yang diperuntukkan bagi peneliti yang tentunya membahas scope pada bidang T.Sipil, T.Mesin, T.Elektro,dan T.Industri yang hendak mempublikasikan hasil penelitiannya dalam bentuk studi literatur, penelitian, dan pengembangan rekayasa teknologi sebagai bentuk penerapan metode, maupun kerangka kerja. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan Mei dan November"
  • JaManKu: Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan

    JaManKu: Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, published by the Management Study Program, Faculty of Business Economics, Harapan University Medan in 2019. JaManKu: Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan is a generalist; the academic review in this journal covers all areas of management, and entrepreneurship such as Financial Management, Operations Management, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, and Entrepreneurship. This journal also examines problems in the fields of economics and entrepreneurship. We welcome contributions covering all areas of management but not limited to the application of information, communication, and technology in business models, costs and revenues, business ethics, business strategy, the application of innovation in business and management, entrepreneurship and innovation, information systems, international business and cross-cultural studies, marketing, organizational studies, general management as well as micro and macroeconomics. JaManKu an E - ISSN :2774 - 2598.

  • Jurnal Akuntansi & Keuangan

    Journal of Financial Accounting (JAK), is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year (January-April, May-August, and September-December) by the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Business Economics, Harapan University Medan. JAK is intended to be a journal for publishing articles that report the results of research on accounting and finance. JAK invites manuscripts in various topics but not limited to the functional areas of marketing management, financial management, strategic management, operations management, human resource management, e-business, knowledge management, management accounting, management control systems, information systems management, business, economics business, business ethics and sustainability, and entrepreneurship.

  • Vernacular: Linguistics, Literature, Communication and Culture Journal

    Vernacular: Linguistics, Literature, Communication and Culture Journal(VLLCCJ) Aims to publish high-quality papers on all aspects of 'Linguistics, Literature, Communication and Culture Journal'. The journal also encourages the submission of useful reports of positive results. This is a quality-controlled, OPEN peer-reviewed, open-access national journal. 
    Every volume of this journal will consist of 2 issues. Every issue will consist of a minimum of 5 papers. Each issue will be a running issue and all officially accepted manuscripts will be immediately published online. This journal will be published every July and January. The state-of-the-art running issue concept gives authors the benefit of 'Zero Waiting Time' for the officially accepted manuscripts to be published. This journal is a national journal and its scope is not confined by the boundary of any country or region.

  • Jurnal Perspektif Hukum

    The Perspektif Hukum Journal is a legal science journal published by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Harapan Medan. Perspektif Hukum Journal contains manuscripts / articles of research results in the field of legal science (state administration law, state administrative law, business law, procedural law, criminal law, international law, customary law, and islamic law) and other social sciences relating to methods in law. The editorial board only accepts writings in the field of legal science that have been in the form of journal articles for consideration of publication. This Journal was published twice a year, in February and August. The Perspektif Hukum Journal provides full open access to the journal and its contents as a form of support for the global exchange of knowledge by making research results freely accessible to the public. Perspektif Hukum Journal is available both in print and electronic form. The language used in this Journal are English and Indonesian. Perspektif Hukum Journalhas an E-ISSN 2716-5027 and P-ISSN 2715-8888.

  • Prioritas: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

    Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Lembaga penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Harapan Medan. Untuk mempublikasikan tulisan dan artikel pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilakukan agar dapat menginspirasi dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat secara luas. Jurnal Prioritas terbit dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada Bulan Maret dan September. Jurnal PRIORITAS dalam proses peer review menggunakan Blind Peer Review.


    ASUMSI: Journal of Economics, Management and Business is published by the Department of Economics and Business at University of Harapan Medan in 2023. ASUMSI is a generalist; academic review covering all fields of economics, management, and business. The journal seeks to examine the emerging and state of the art future innovations in business, economics and management made possible by advances in information, communication, and technologies. We welcome contributions covering all fields of business innovations including, but not limited to information, communication and technologies applications in business, cost and revenue model, business ethics, business strategy, applications of innovation in business and management, entrepreneurship & innovation, information systems, international business & cross-cultural studies, marketing, organization studies, general management as well as micro and macro economics.